商务中心与普通写字楼的不同还在于它提供的是一系列商务办公服务,包括良好的办公环境、办公家具及办公自动化设备,专业秘书服务,会客室、会议系统等。很多商务中心还提供价位更加低廉的独立办公席位。任何入驻商务中心的客户,对外联络时可使用商务中心提供的地址和固定电话号码,商务中心的专职秘书可按客户指令工作,应答来电、留言转告、信函和e-mail收发等服务,对于一些办公人员较少的机构,或短期办公的客户,提高了办公的便利性,大大节约了办公成本。 同时,商务中心还可以为客户提供投资咨询、注册办照、财务记账、代理报税等服务。
The difference between business center and traditional office is that it provides a series of business services including nice environment furniture and equipments professional secretarial services conference rooms and system etc. Many business centers also provide independent workplaces for lower price. Clients can use the address and fixed telephone number of the business center to contact with outside. Professional secretaries can do work according to clients’demand such as answer the phone call send word receive letters and e-mail and so on. It improves the convenience and saves a lot cost for the companies with few employees or short-term work. At the same time business center can also provide services about investment consultant registration accounting declare dutiable goods etc.
Today the business trends to be internationalization quality and cyberization the difference between the development orientation management and services of the office buidings will become a new topic in the field of commercial property.